'Place and the unique creative practices and stories of North Queensland.'
Explore the unique creative practices of North Queensland artists, Sylvia Ditchburn, Vincent Bray, Margot Laver, Rhonda Stevens and Anne Lord in Gallery 48's group of mini exhibitions, Practice about Place. Each of these artists have taken inspiration from their surrounding environment. Enjoy the vibrant landscapes of Townsville in Sylvia Ditchburn's exhibition, Tropical Splendour and explore the dry, rocky environment of Mt Isa in Vincent Bray's exhibition, Scapes on Glass. Margot Laver will present her brush-drawn ink works in her exhibition, The Earth I Love, where she examines the natural world - a constant source of inspiration and intrigue to her. Rhonda Steven's exhibition, Sea scapes and places in mind, reflects on how Magnetic Island influences her perception of the sea and the impact it can have on serenity and peace of mind. And Anne Lord of Gallery 48 will present a set of water colours in her exhibition, Walkers in Townsville places, where she ponders over the various ways people contribute to place.

Feature Image Credit: Anne Lord, Walkers - not walking - waiting figure, 2021, Watercolour on paper, detail.
About the Artists
Sylvia Ditchburn is a local landscape artist whos work is about capturing a sense of place. Ditchburn has been finding inspiration from North Queensland's tropical landscape since the 1960's.
Vincent Bray worked in Mount Isa for many years. Now, retired in Townsville, he references the dry tropics of the North Queensland region in his work, from Townsville to Hughenden and further west to Mount Isa.
Margot Laver is a Townsville artist known for her silver-smithing, drawing, painting and printmaking. She primarily works with representational or semi-representational images and seeks to reflect her feelings about the natural environment. The artist studies art history to inform her practice and to gain understandings for how future art movements will reflect current culture.
Rhonda Stevens is a contemporary artist living on Yunbenun / Magnetic Island. She is a prolific and experienced artist and printmaker who holds a Bachelor of Fine Art from the Victorian College of Arts (VCA), Melbourne. Stevens enjoys engaging with people to promote the wonders of the arts.
Anne Lord is a local artist and Art Director of Gallery 48 in Townsville. Place and light have been significant aspects of Lord's creative process. Her art practices include drawing, watercolour, oil and acrylic painting.
Event Information
Location Details
Gallery 48, 48 The Strand, Northward, Townsville 4810.
Venue Accessibility
This venue’s conditions include:
- Nearby accessible parking.
- Nearby accessible public transport (bus stations).
- Accessible third-party scooter options throughout CBD city centre and along the Strand (for travel).
- Nearby street drop-off points.
- An accessible entrance (both ramp and stairs) and no obstructions to the path upon entering.
- Signage indicating it is a PUNQ program.
- Venue is close to accessible public bathroom facilities that offer wider doors, adequate floor space to move around in the bathroom, and fixtures designed for comfort including hand railings and low-effort tap handles.
- Quiet spaces available for participants, this location will have ambient or no music playing.
- There are nearby animal rest facilities.
- Venues have been strategically designed for clear pathways throughout with a focus on minimising clutter.
- If participating in workshops, interactions, or artist talks at a pop up there will be an array of seating options provided.
Opening Hours
Wed-Sat: 12noon to 5:00pm