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Wednesday 26 March 2025
Open 9:00am - 5:00pm

Members' Exhibition

PROOF: 2025 Umbrella Members’ Exhibition

Umbrella’s annual exhibition for Umbrella’s artist members is back with a new theme for 2025. Creatively respond to ‘proof’ or any association/s with that term that most resonate with you. You might be inspired for instance, by mathematics, dough rising, printmaking, evidence, law, or the proliferation of ‘fake news’. We look forward to seeing your resultant artwork however you interpret the theme. Artists must be current Umbrella members to participate in this exhibition - click here to join online. The exhibition will again feature the following prizes:

$1,000 Art Prize
Generously sponsored by Bamford Community Care

Light Through a Lens Photomedia Prize


 To ensure your entry is completely eligible, ensure you read the full updated conditions of entry listed (beneath the entry form on this page). 
- Current members with eligible entries are automatically accepted and qualify for consideration in the Art Prize.
- To qualify for the Light Through a Lens Photomedia Prize, artworks must have been captured through a lens of any type (i.e. video or photography camera, analogue or digital), however the medium, materials, and method are otherwise up to the artist. 
- Draft your application in a Word Processor document (such as Microsoft Word, Pages or Google Docs) and save it. This will ensure that you have it as a back up if there is a glitch with your computer or the online form. You can download a template of the form here.
- Ensure all fields of the form are marked with asterisks * are completed - these are mandatory fields and your application will not submit without them. 
- Include a high quality photograph of your artwork. Consider hiring a professional photographer. 


Entries close: Midnight Sunday 13 April 2025

Artwork delivery: Thursday 1 - Sunday 4 May 2025 during usual gallery open hours

Exhibition opening launch: 6pm Friday 9 May 2025

Exhibition Duration:  9 May – 8 June 2025

Collection of artworks: Tuesday 10 - Wednesday 11 June 2025 by appointment; or from Tuesday 17 June 2025 onwards during usual gallery open hours.

Members' Exhibition Entry

Applicant / Exhibitor Details

If applicable.
Only applicable if you have an ABN
List all that apply
Artwork Details

Please list the artist name for this application. This can be different to the listed legal name of the applicant above if applicable.
Please write this exactly as you wish the artwork to be titled on the exhibition roomsheet or label, including any capitalisation of letters.
Entries must have been created in the last two years.
Please be specific (i.e. rather than 'mixed media').
Please list in cm. Artworks must be no larger than 150cm x 150cm x 150cm total in size.
Please include Umbrella's 40% commission (and GST if applicable) into this price. Please keep your retail price to a rounded dollar figure $20 or more.
E.g. edition number.
Share any website links separated by commas (e.g. artist website, video channels, social media pages like Facebook or Instagram)
Please upload a full, completed image of the artwork you are submitting for entry below.

The filename should include your artist name and artwork title. * Upload File

E.g. list the weight of your artwork if heavier than 10kg or list if your work will require a plinth, shelf, media player or similar.
Please write a short statement (200 characters or less, approx. 30 words) about your artwork and its relevance to the exhibition theme.
Are you utilising Cultural and Intellectual Property that is not your own? This should be considered and explained here if applicable. Please see T&C #12 for further details.
I agree to adhere to the full conditions of entry listed on this page and in the associated notes.


1. All entrants must be financial members of Umbrella Studio Contemporary Arts for the duration of the exhibition.
2. A completed entry form must be submitted no later than midnight Sunday 13 April 2025 to be eligible for the exhibition.
3. Only one artwork is accepted per artist. It must be a singular artwork and have only one title and one price. Works may be done in any medium but the listed theme must be incorporated in the piece.
4. Artists should limit their entry submissions, however if an updated entry is submitted, the most recent submission will be accepted.
5. Artworks must not exceed 1.5m in any dimension (h x w x d). Work with multiple components must fit completely within the listed size restrictions. If you intend to create a work with multiple parts, you must in advance of your entry contact the exhibition curator and get approval for the hanging or display method due to time and gallery limitations.
6. Entries must have been created in the last two years (2024 or 2025) and must be new work that has not been exhibited at Umbrella or elsewhere locally in North Queensland.
7. All entries must be suitable for exhibition, dry and ready to display. Unless an alternative display method has been discussed and approved by contacting the exhibition curator prior to entry, the following limitations will apply:
a) For framed / hanging works, d-rings should be securely attached to the back (on both sides, down approximately one-third of the height of the work from the top). 
b) Unframed works on paper will be displayed with magnets or hooks. 
c) For hanging artworks, a weight restriction of 10kg applies.
d) Sculptural works will be displayed on plinths or shelves.
e) Digital works will be displayed on a TV screen or projector.
Umbrella will endeavour to give first preference to artists who request a specific display method. 
8. Umbrella is responsible for preparing the gallery for the installation of the artwork. The curator will consider the artist’s requirements but ultimately determine the positioning of the artwork in accordance with curatorial priorities and the overarching exhibition design.
9. Entries must be the original and unaided work of the entrant member. You certify that you are the author / creator of the artwork and material submitted and / or supplied for this agreement, and ensure that you have the right, including all Moral Rights and consents, to deal with the associated Intellectual Property Rights. You certify that the artwork and the artwork concept is your own original work; that it does not, to the best of your knowledge, infringe the copyright or moral rights of any third party; and is a unique artwork loaned exclusively to Umbrella under this agreement. You certify as the artist that you are the owner of all copyright in the artwork or have obtained all necessary permissions to permit the uses of the artwork under this agreement. All intellectual copyright if applicable remains the property of the artist or copyright holder.
10. Works that have been created by using prompts in an Artificial Intelligence (AI) program must then be altered, manipulated or reproduced digitally or by hand. For transparency, please indicate that AI was used to help create your work in the ‘artwork medium’ section of the entry form. If using AI to prompt your work, please use ethical AI services where permission has been granted by all artists whose work was included in the training model. Works solely generated by an AI program will not be included in the exhibition.
11. Umbrella reserves the right to not include entries that are inappropriate, offensive or those that do not fit the conditions of entry.
12. If applicable, Cultural and Intellectual Property should be considered and explained in relation to the artwork entered. Umbrella is committed to fair and ethical dealings with artists, including acting in good conscience when exhibiting, promoting or otherwise working with Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) in the arts. This commitment extends to upholding industry protocols; including those listed here; and similarly supporting the integrity of art forms from other cultures. This aims to prevent alteration, distortion or misuse of traditional symbols, songs, dances, performances and story that may be part of the heritage of particular groups without permission. The artist must similarly be committed to upholding this level of integrity and agree to adhere to the listed protocols if applicable. Non-Indigenous artists proposing artworks for development which contain Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander subject matter, or First Nations artists proposing artworks for development which contain subject matter from a Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander group other than their own, should explain their methodology for obtaining permission to use ICIP. Similarly, artists should explain their methodology for obtaining permission to use any other cultural and intellectual property than their own if applicable.
13. Each work must have a label attached which clearly identifies the artist's name and the full artwork details. 
14. Works must be delivered within the outlined dates to Umbrella Studio Contemporary Arts at 408 Flinders Street, Townsville QLD 4810 (next to Mary Who? Bookshop and opposite Woolworths). Works may be accepted prior to these dates only due to extenuating circumstances and only by prior arrangement with the exhibition curator.
15. Arrangement and expenses pertaining to the delivery and collection of entries are the responsibility of the entrant. If the artist is organising for someone else to deliver the work, the artist must notify Umbrella staff of the delivering person's name and details in advance.
16. If the completed artwork is not received by the deadline, the entry will be terminated.
17. No works are to be removed during the exhibition period (including the final exhibition day). Umbrella retains the sole right to remove any works from the exhibition.
18. Umbrella exercises all due care in exhibiting and handling entries. However, works shall at all times remain at the risk of the entrant. Umbrella will not be responsible for loss or damage whatsoever to any work whilst in its custody. Each entrant is responsible for maintaining their own insurance cover if required.
19. Works will be on display at Umbrella during the listed exhibition dates and may be promoted before, during and after this time.
20. Works may be collected from Umbrella on Tuesday 10 or Wednesday 11 June 2025 or should otherwise be collected as soon as possible from Tuesday 17 June 2025 onwards during Umbrella's regular opening hours. All works must be collected by August 2025, or they may be disposed of at Umbrella’s discretion. If the artist is organising for someone else to collect the work, the artist must notify Umbrella staff of the collecting person's name and details in advance.
21. If Umbrella sells the work on behalf of the artist, they will receive a payment less 40% commission. Payment to the artist will be made within 30 days after the artwork collection date. The artist must provide a price for their artwork which takes into consideration the Umbrella commission, and GST if applicable. The minimum price for artworks is $20 (to account for administration on sales and to not undervalue any artworks). Any artworks listed for less than $20 will be listed as NFS / not for sale.
22. A full, completed image of the artwork must be uploaded as part of the application process.
23. The artist authorises Umbrella, Umbrella’s partners and Umbrella’s funding bodies to use the works, and document and promote the works by granting a permanent, irrevocable, free, worldwide and non-exclusive licence (including a right of sub-licence) for the following purposes for each work in the schedule for the following purposes:
a) displaying or exhibiting the work in public
b) promoting the work:
- by having a digital image or / photograph or video of the work made which is then provided to or made available to the public or to clients
- by publishing a digital image or / photograph or video of the work on Umbrella’s website, social media platforms, newsletters and other platforms
- printing an image of the work and displaying or distributing to a mailing list for no charge
- other uses of a similar nature to those outlined above that are made as part of promoting the work.
The artist acknowledges that visitors to the exhibition are permitted to take photographs and videos of the works. The artist agrees that Umbrella is not liable in any way for any breaches of the artist’s rights in the work which are committed by third parties to this agreement.  The artist allows Umbrella to keep image and video documentation of the works on file for beyond the scope of the sale or loan of works outlined for promotion of Umbrella and for the purposes of promoting other works by the artist. None of these uses of the work are intended to detract from any moral right of the artist. This licence excludes Secret and Sacred material and any information which is noted as confidential. If the artist has a concern in respect of their moral rights in the works, the artist is invited to raise that concern with Umbrella.
24. You agree to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2018; and notify Umbrella if you are aware of any modern slavery risks with your operations or in your artwork production supply chain/s.
25. Current members whose work adheres to all above terms and conditions constitute an eligible entry, are automatically accepted, and qualify for consideration in the Art Award.
26. To qualify for the Light Through a Lens Photomedia Prize, artworks must have been captured through a lens of any type (i.e. video or photography camera, analogue or digital), however the medium, materials, and method can otherwise be selected by the artist.
27. Umbrella's staff and management committee may enter works, but they are ineligible to be awarded a prize in this exhibition.

oomview of 'Artificial: 2024 Umbrella Members' Exhibition', Umbrella 2024. Photograph: Amanda Galea. Roomview of Artificial: 2024 Umbrella Members' Exhibition, Umbrella 2024. Photograph: Amanda Galea. 

Time and Space: 2023 Umbrella Members' Exhibition room view.  

Cats vs Dogs: 2022 Umbrella Members' Exhibition room view. 

Power: 2021 Umbrella Members’ Exhibition room view.

The Future: 2020 Umbrella Members’ Exhibition & Bamford Medical Art Prize room view.

Future theme suggestions:

Submit your suggestion for consideration.

Previous themes:

2024 - Artificial
2023 - Time and Space
2022 - Cats vs Dogs
2021 - Power
2020 - The Future
2019 - Belonging
2018 - This is not the end
2017 - Drive
2016 - Generation
2015 - Technicolour
2014 - Memory
2013 - Natura
2012 - Black & White
2011 - Eleven
2010 - Evolve
2009 - E-Wasted
2008 - Clean Slate
2007 - Finger Licking Good!
2006 - Chair 
2005 - Hooray for Brollywood!! 
2004 - Birthdays
2003 - Construction Deconstruction
2002 - Games
2001 - Parallax
2000 - Wet ‘n’ Dry
1999 - Propaganda
1998 - Bridge
1997 - Relocation
1996 - Nourish

Open Hours

Tues - Fri: 9am-5pm

Sat - Sun: 9am-1pm

Gallery closed Mondays, public holidays and during exhibition install weeks.

Follow our social media for updates.


(07) 4772 7109

408 Flinders Street,
Gurambilbarra (Townsville),
Qld, 4810 Australia

PO Box 2394,
Gurambilbarra (Townsville),
Qld, 4810 Australia

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Acknowledgement of Country

Umbrella Studio Contemporary Arts respectfully acknowledges the Wulgurukaba of Gurambilbarra and Yunbenun and the surrounding groups of our region - Bindal, Gugu Badhan, Nywaigi, Warrgamay, Bandjin and Gudjal - as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we gather, share and celebrate local creative practice. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the first people of Australia. They have never ceded sovereignty and remain strong in their enduring connection to land and Culture.

Umbrella is a Member & Signatory of the Indigenous Art Code. This means we are committed to fair and ethical trade with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, and transparency in the promotion and sale of artwork. As a Dealer Member and signatory to the Code we must act fairly, honestly, professionally and in good conscience in all direct or indirect dealings with artists.

Help Us Elevate Regional Artists

We champion artists, amplifying their distinctive and authentic voices. We are an inclusive platform for independent, experimental, contemporary arts practice in local, national, and international arts landscapes. We have a thirty-six year history of connecting artists and audiences and we couldn't do it without your support.

Umbrella Studio Contemporary Arts is registered as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) with the Australian Taxation Office. Donations to Umbrella are tax deductible for amounts of $2 or more. Click here to donate.


Umbrella is supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland, part of the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy, and by the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, state and territory governments. | Umbrella is supported by the Tim Fairfax Family Foundation and receives funding from Creative Australia through the Australian Cultural Fund. | Townsville City Council is a funding partner of Umbrella's program.